Brixham Foundation price to Thomas Preat

On Monday, November 15, 2021, Thomas Preat was granted with the Brixham Foundation Prize intended to support biomedical research on the brain, by a jury of the Foundation for Medical Research made up of members of the Scientific Council. The jury wished to honor Thomas Preat for his work on the plasticity of the Drosophila brain, and more particularly on recent discoveries linking long-term memory and energy metabolism. In human, defects in brain energy metabolism precede the onset of Alzheimer’s disease, but the underlying mechanisms remain largely unknown. In this context, Thomas Preat seeks to understand, thanks to a set of integrated approaches in Drosophila, how the brain switches from a physiological state to a pathological state which will lead to Alzheimer’s disease.


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Transient nicotine exposure in early adolescent male mice freezes their dopamine circuits in an immature state

Nature Communications 2024 Reynolds LM, Gulmez A, Fayad SL, Campos RC, Rigoni D, Nguyen C, Le Borgne T, Topilko T, Rajot D, Franco C, Marti F, (…) 

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Nicotine inhibits the VTA-to-amygdala dopamine pathway to promote anxiety

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Thomas PREAT
thomas.preat (arobase)

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Philippe FAURE
philippe.faure (arobase)

Hélène Geoffroy
helene.geoffroy (arobase)

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jeldy.cubas-hernandez (arobase)

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