Sophie Bagur

CNRS researcher ESPCI ParisTech

 Laboratoire Plasticité du Cerveau, CNRS UMR8249
ESPCI ParisTech
10 rue Vauquelin
75231 Paris cedex 5 France
 ORCID : 0000-0002-4375-1838 -
 email : sophie.bagur (arobase)

Research projects

 Role of interoception and brain-body interactions in emotions.
Online talk

 Impact of neural encoding on auditory perception and learning.
Online talk

 Sleep physiology.


 In vivo physiology (neural populations and local field potentiels)
 Visceral state tracking in vivo
 2 photon calcium imaging
 Beahvioural tasks
 In vivo optogenetics
 Neural data analysis (time-frequency analysis, neural decoding and dimensionality reduction)
 Data analysis with machine learning (deep nets)


S Bagur*, J Bourg*, A Kempf, T Tarpin K Bergaoui, Y Guo, S Ceballo, J Schwenkgrub, A Verdier, JL Puel, J Bourien, B Bathellier, A spatial code for temporal information is necessary for sensory learning, Science Advances, 2025

• S Jamali, S Bagur, E Brémont, T Van Kerkoerle, S Dehaene, B Bathellier, Parallel mechanisms signal a hierarchy of sequence structure violations in the auditory cortex , eLife, 2024

• E Gosselin, S Bagur, B Bathellier, Massive perturbation of sound representations by anesthesia in the auditory brainstem, Science Advances, 2024

• A Verdier, B Bathellier*, S Bagur*, Protocol : Medial forebrain bundle stimulation as a reward for perceptual tasks in mice, STAR protocols, 2023

• A Verdier, A Aldanondo, N Dominique, D Groussard, B Bathellier*, S Bagur*, Enhanced perceptual task performance without deprivation in mice using medial forebrain bundle stimulation, Cell reports methods, 2022

• C Cococcetta, T Coutant, S Bagur, M B Wenick, M. Huynh, Use of digital stethoscope to measure heart rate in birds: comparison of different counting methods using phonocardiograms, Journal of avian medicine and surgery, 2023

• C Cococcetta, T Coutant, A Phouratsamay, G Zoller, S Bagur, M. Huynh, Effect of hooding on physiological parameters during manual restraint in Rhode Island Red hybrid hens (Gallus gallus dom.), Journal of avian medicine and surgery, 2023

S Bagur*, JM. Lefort*, MM. Lacroix, Gde Lavilléon, C Herry, C Billand, H Geoffroy, K Benchenane, Breathing-driven prefrontal oscillations regulate maintenance of conditioned-fear evoked freezing independently of initiation, Nature Communications, 2021

S Bagur, K Benchenane, The theta rhythm mixes and matches gamma oscillations cycle by cycle (preview), Neuron, 2018

S Bagur, MM Lacroix, G de Lavilleon, JM Lefort, H Geoffroy, K Benchenane, Harnessing olfactory bulb oscillations to perform fully brain-based sleep-scoring and real-time monitoring of anaesthesia depth, plos Biology, 2018

S Bagur, M Averseng, D Elgueda, S David, J Fritz, P Yin, S Shamma, Y Boubenec*, S Ostojic*, Go/No-Go task engagement enhances population representation of target stimuli in primary auditory cortex, Nature Communications, 2018

• T Coutant, S Bagur, C Gilbert, Development of an observational quantitative temperament test in three common parrot species, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 2018

S Bagur, Karim Benchenane Taming the oscillatory zoo in the hippocampus and neo-cortex : a review of the commentary of Lockmann and Tort on Roy et al. Brain Structure and Function, 2017

• N Karalis, C Dejean, F Chaudun, S Khoder, R R Rozeske, Hélène Wurtz, S Bagur, K Benchenane, A Sirota, J Courtin & C Herry. 4-Hz oscillations synchronize prefrontal-amygdala circuits during fear behavior. Nature Neuroscience, 2016


• K El-Kanbi, G de Lavilléon, S Bagur, M Lacroix, K Benchenane, Distinction between slow waves and delta waves sheds light to sleep homeostasis and their association to hippocampal sharp waves ripples, bioRXiv, 2022

• M Chouvaeff, S Bagur, L Macé, T Gallopin, K Benchenane, Social defeat induces REM sleep fragmentation through the PFC-VLPO pathway, bioRXiv, 2022

• MM Lacroix, G de Lavilléon, JM. Lefort, K El Kanbi, S Bagur, S Laventure, Y Dauvilliers, C Peyron, K Benchenane, Improved sleep scoring in mice reveals human-like stages, bioRXiv, 2018

Data from Google scholar® as of 07/02/2025
 Total number of citations: 717
 h-index: 8


 Lecturer on neuroscience (sleep, plasticity, neural coding…) for the Ecole Normale Supérieure, Université Paris Saclay and ESPCI
 Practical introductory course to deep learning, Pasteur course on hearing
 Supervision of practical course in physiology at the engineering school, ESPCI

Grants and prizes
 PSL Young Investigator Grant, 2024
 ANR JCJC BodySense, Principal Investigator, 2024
 ANR Audiodream, associated researcher, 2022
 Grant for 2 years post-doc, Fondation pour la Recherche médicale, 2020
 Grant for 4th year of phD, Fondation pour la Recherche médicale, 2018

 APAN 2021 Poster Presentation Award Winner
 phD prize for biological sciences, Académie nationale de Pharmacie, 2020
 phD prize of french Neuroscience Society, 2020
 L’Oréal-Unesco prize for women in science, 2019
 Jean Langlois foundation prize, 2018



See also...


Peer reviewed (2023) Scharbarg E, Walter A, Lecoin L, Gallopin T, Lemaître F, Guille-Collignon M, Rouach N, and Rancillac A. Prostaglandin D2 (…) 

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The MOBs team was created by Karim Benchenane (CR1 CNRS) as a part of the Brain Plasticity Unit at the ESPCI since 2012. The head of the team has (…) 

> More...


Practical information

Unit Director
Philippe FAURE
philippe.faure (arobase)

Hélène Geoffroy
helene.geoffroy (arobase)

Jeldy Cubas Hernandez
jeldy.cubas-hernandez (arobase)

Phone : +33 (0) 1 40 79 43 02

To contact us