Arsenii Goriachenkov

phD student

 email : arsgorv (arobase)
 Google Scholar

 Laboratoire Plasticité du Cerveau, CNRS UMR8249
ESPCI ParisTech
10 rue Vauquelin
75231 Paris cedex 5 France
 Laboratoire des Systèmes Perceptifs (LSP)
Ecole Normale Supérieure
29 rue d’Ulm
75005 Paris


Sep 2022 – to date, Paris, France
PhD, École normale supérieure (Université Paris Sciences et Lettres)
Neurosciences (memory and sleep research)
Supervisors: Yves Boubenec, Karim Benchenane

Sep 2020 – Jul 2022, Paris, France
MSc, École normale supérieure (Université Paris Sciences et Lettres), IMaLiS
Life Sciences (Neurosciences); Grade: 15/20

Aug 2016 – Jun 2020, St. Petersburg, Russia
BSc, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
Biochemical Physics; Grade: 4.2/5.0

Sep 2013 – Jun 2016, St. Petersburg, Russia
Physics and Mathematics Lyceum №30
Top-10 schools in Russia

Research experience
Jan 2022 – Jul 2022, Paris, France
École normale supérieure (ENS) – PSL, Département d’études cognitives (DEC)
Laboratoire des Systèmes Perceptifs, Audition team
Master 2 internship (Jan 2022 – Jul 2022):
Project 1: Imaging of ferret auditory cortex after sound exposure reveals spontaneous reactivations of recent neuronal activity
Supervisor – Y. Boubenec, PhD
Project 2: Development of the sleep scoring technique based on the gamma activity in ferret olfactory bulb
Supervisors – Y. Boubenec, PhD; K. Benchenane, PhD

Feb 2021 – Jul 2022, Paris, France
École supérieure de physique et de chimie industrielles (ESPCI) – PSL
Laboratoire Plasticité du Cerveau, MOBs team
Master 2 internship (Jan 2022 – Jul 2022):
Review of methods to analyze sleep reactivations in the hippocampus.
Supervisor – K. Benchenane, PhD
Master 1 internship (Feb 2021 – Jun 2021):
Effect of aversive intracranial stimulation on sleep reactivations in the hippocampus.
Supervisors – D. Bryzgalov, PhD; K. Benchenane, PhD

Feb 2019 – Jun 2020, St. Petersburg, Russia
I.M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of Russian Academy of Science (IEPHB RAS)
Laboratory of the evolution of sensory organs
Bachelor research project: Changes of the retinal functional state in mice with hereditary degeneration of photoreceptors
Supervisors – A.Yu.Rotov; Michael L. Firsov, PhD; M.N. Karpenko, PhD
Project: Magnetic compass in the avian retina: an electroretinographic study in migratory European robin
Supervisors – A.Yu.Rotov, Astakhova L. A.

Other internships and schools
Jul 2024, online
Neuromatch Academy

May 2024, Marseille, France
CNRS Formation à Chirurgie
Training which allows performing surgeries on animal models

Mar 2024, Paris, France
Qlife Quantitative Biology winter school «Learning and plasticity in neuronal networks»

Oct 2022, Strasbourg, France
CNRS Formation à l’Expérimentation Animale Niveau Concepteur
Training which allows performing experiments on animal models

Jul 2021, online
Neuromatch Academy
Computational Neuroscience and Deep Learning

Oct 2019, Rome, Italy
“Board of European Students of Technology” Sapienza University
Acceptance rate < 10%

Research skills
 in vivo Extracellular Recordings (ferrets) using Neuropixel probes and simple wires;
 Chronic electrode implantation (ferrets);
 in vivo & ex vivo Electroretinography (rats, mice, birds);
 Retina Extraction (rats, mice, birds)
Brain imaging
 functional Ultrasound (fUS)
Computer skills
 Matlab, Python, R
Model animals
 `European robin
*surgery, `handling, anaesthesia
Retinal Morphology
 Histology, Light Microscopy
Molecular biology
 PCR, DNA Gel Electrophoresis

Journal publication
Rotov, A.Yu., Goriachenkov, A.A., Cherbunin, R.V., Firsov, M.L., Chernetsov, N., Astakhova, L.A. “Magnetoreceptory Function of European Robin Retina: Electrophysiological and Morphological Non-Homogeneity”
DOI: 10.3390/cells11193056

Goriachenkov A.A., Rotov A.Y., Firsov M.L.
“Dynamics of the Functional State of the Retina in Mice with Inherited Photoreceptor Degeneration."
Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology
DOI: 10.1007/s11055-021-01137-8

L.A.Astakhova, A.Yu.Rotov, R.V.Cherbunin, A.A.Goriachenkov, K.V.Kavokin, N.Chernetsov,
"Electroretinographic study of the magnetic compass in European robins."
Proceedings of the Royal Society B
DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2020.2507

Abstract book publications and conference presentations
A.A.Goriachenkov, Y.Boubenec
“Spontaneous reactivations of recent auditory experience in ferret Auditory Cortex modulated by novelty and relevance”
 Hippocampus Green Meeting. Conference talk, Jun 2024, London, UK
 Qlife Quantitative Biology winter school «Learning and plasticity in neuronal networks».
 Poster presentation, Mar 2024, Paris, France
 Basic Auditory Science 2023. Conference talk, Sep 2023, London, UK
 fUSBrain conference. Poster presentation, May 2022, Cargèse, France

A.A.Goriachenkov, B.Maheo, Y.Boubenec, K. Benchenane
“Sleep Scoring in Ferrets using Olfactory Bulb Oscillations”
 ED3C Scientific Days. Conference talk, Apr 2023, Paris, France

A.A.Goriachenkov, A.Yu.Rotov, M.L.Firsov
“Analysis of functional and anatomical ontogenetic changes in mouse retina with inherited photoreceptor degeneration using electroretinographic approach”
 XLII “Week of Science SPbSTU” materials of an international scientific conference. Institute of Physics, Nanotechnology and Telecommunications. – SPb: POLYTECH-PRESS. – P. 273-276. Conference talk, Nov 2019, St. Petersburg, Russia
 “Visionarium XVIII” abstract book – P. 13-14. Poster presentation, Sep 2019, Tvärminne, Finland
 IEPHB RAS L.A. Orbeli conference. Award-winning conference talk, Apr 2019, St.Petersburg, Russia

L.A.Astakhova, A.Yu.Rotov, R.V.Cherbunin, A.A.Goryachenkov (Goriachenkov), K.V.Kavokin, N.Chernetsov, M.L.Firsov
 “Magnetic compass in the avian retina: an electroretinographic study in migratory European robins” “Visionarium XVIII” abstract book – P. 7, Sep 2019 Tvärminne, Finland

Awards and Honours
2022, Paris, France
PSL Frontiers in Cognition ANR EUR PhD fellowship
24 500 € per year for 3 years
Acceptance rate 3%

2022, Paris, France
PSL Q-life travel grant
Financial support to attend the fUSBrain conference 2022 – 1300 €

2020, Paris, France
PSL Q-life/IMaLiS scholarship program
10000 € / year. 2 years of funding.
One of 5 laureates among 150 candidates from 32 countries
Acceptance rate 3%

2020, 2019, St Petersburg, Russia
L.A. Orbeli scholarship program
2020: excellence scholarship holder
–Golden award among bachelor students
–Silver award among all participants from bachelor to PhD students
 30 participants each year
2019: scholarship holder

2018, St Petersburg, Russia
Acknowledgement by Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnical University
For productive work and active participation in the university’s social life in the 2017 year.
Awarded to 4% of best students

Teaching and Science Communication
2023-todate, online
Chief Research Officer in AAgency
I am building and managing a research team to create science-based educational products

2023-2024, Paris, France
Lecturer (9h) and Teaching Assistant at École normale supérieure (ENS) – PSL
“Computational neuroscience”, CogMaster. Boris Gutkin

2022-2024, Paris, France
Neuroscience Teacher and Methodologist
Gymnasium #1 Paris for talented bilingual kids aged 12-18

2023, online
Creator and Lecturer at “Neurodiscipline” online neuroscience and well-being course for large-audience
 2000 participants

2021-2023, online
Career consultant and student mentor
11 students successfully passed admissions to the desired universities under my supervision

2022, Paris, France
Teaching Assistant at École supérieure de physique et de chimie industrielles (ESPCI) – PSL
“From real to artificial neurons and back”, Master BME. Karim Benchenane

2016-2021, St Petersburg, Russia
Tutor in Physics, Mathematics, and English for kids, schoolchildren and students.
– 40 students successfully reached their goals under my mentoring
– Prepared 25+ schoolchildren for United Government Examination (ЕГЭ) with an average score of 85/100

2018-2019, St Petersburg, Russia
A physics teacher in Makov and partners school.

Extracurricular Activities and Hobbies

2013 – 2020, St. Petersburg, Russia
Rafting, kayaking
Candidate for Master of Sport. А commercial guide for rafting trips

2017 – 2021, St. Petersburg, Russia
Social-cultural project "Ottepel", an annual event
Founder, main organiser & team lead (from PR & administration to design & crowdfunding). 800 participants annually.

2017 – 2018, St. Petersburg, Russia
Peer-mentoring & Student event organizers` school
Team builder & leader, event-creator, organizer, mentors` coach. Acceptance rate into the team <10%


See also...

Baptiste Mahéo

phD student – Laboratoire Plasticité du Cerveau, CNRS UMR8249 ESPCI ParisTech 10 rue Vauquelin 75231 Paris cedex 5 France – email : . Research (...) 

> More...


Practical information

Unit Director
Thomas PREAT
thomas.preat (arobase)

Deputy Director
Philippe FAURE
philippe.faure (arobase)

Hélène Geoffroy
helene.geoffroy (arobase)

Jeldy Cubas Hernandez
jeldy.cubas-hernandez (arobase)

Phone : +33 (0) 1 40 79 43 02

To contact us