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Chronic nicotine increases midbrain dopamine neuron activity and biases individual strategies towards reduced exploration in mice
Nature Communications volume 12, Article number : 6945 (2021) Malou Dongelmans, Romain Durand-de Cuttoli, Claire Nguyen, Maxime Come, Etienne K. (...)
An inhibitory hippocampal–thalamic pathway modulates remote memory retrieval
Nat Neurosci 2021 May ;24(5):685-693. Gisella Vetere, Frances Xia, Adam I Ramsaran, Lina M Tran, Sheena A Josselyn, Paul W Frankland. Abstract (...)
Nicotine inhibits the VTA-to-amygdala dopamine pathway to promote anxiety
Neuron (2021) Aug 18 ;109(16):2604-2615. Claire Nguyen, Sarah Mondoloni , Tinaïg Le Borgne , Ines Centeno , Maxime Come, Joachim Jehl, Clément (...)
Memory formation in the absence of experience.
Nat Neurosci (2019) 933-940. Vetere G, Tran LM, Moberg S, Steadman PE, Restivo L, Morrison FG, Ressler KJ, Josselyn SA, Frankland PW. Abstract (...)