Job Offer

The Brain Plasticity Unit, CNRS-ESPCI Paris, currently comprises 5 teams and hosts 50 scientists, students, and staff. The Unit is headed by Thomas Preat. Our work focuses on understanding brain plasticity in physiological conditions and in various neuropathologies. We carry out highly collaborative and multi-disciplinary studies using a variety of model organisms. The insertion of the Brain Plasticity Unit in the ESPCI campus, which enjoys a strong culture of scientific excellence (6 Nobel prizes), allows fruitful exchanges between neurobiologists and other scientists including physicists.

We are seeking to recruit a junior group leader. Applicants who develop an integrated physiological approach, such as studies combining molecular genetics and functional brain imaging, will be considered in priority.

Candidates must hold a French institutional research position (CNRS, INSERM etc.), or they must meet criteria to obtain a French starting grant (such as Atip-Avenir) and a French institutional research position. Women are encouraged to apply.

Interested candidates should send a full CV, a brief description of their research achievements and of their projects, and a personal statement, to Thomas Preat via email thomas.preat (arobase)

There is no specific deadline for the application because the selection process will be ongoing in 2016 until a successful candidate has been identified.

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Informations Pratiques

Directeur d’unité
Philippe FAURE
philippe.faure (arobase)

Hélène Geoffroy
helene.geoffroy (arobase)

Jeldy Cubas Hernandez
jeldy.cubas-hernandez (arobase)

Tél : +33 (0) 1 40 79 43 02

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