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 Paupiah A.L., Marques X., Merlaud Z., Russeau M., Lévi S., Renner M.  (2023) Introducing Diinamic, a flexible and robust method for clustering analysis in single-molecule localization microscopy. Biological Imaging, 3 : e14.

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 Côme E, Pol E, Merlaud Z, Gouhier J, Russeau M, Marques X, Scotto-Lomassese S, Moutkine I, and Lévi, S.†. (2022) The fast diffusion of NKCC1 along the axon is driven by glutamatergic activity. Preprint from bioRxiv, 13 Dec 2022. PPR : PPR583531

 Côme E., Blachier S., Gouhier J., Russeau M., and Lévi, S.†. (2023) Lateral Diffusion of NKCC1 Contributes to Chloride Homeostasis in Neurons and Is Rapidly Regulated by the WNK Signaling Pathway. Cells 2023, 12, 464.

 Benhadda, A., Delhaye, C., Moutkine, I., Marques, X., Russeau, M., Le Magueresse, C., Roumier, A., Lévi, S., Maroteaux, L. (2023) 5-HT1A and 5-HT2B receptor interaction and co-clustering regulates serotonergic neuron excitability. iScience 26(8):107401. doi : 10.1016/j.isci.2023.107401. eCollection 2023 Aug 18. Preprint from bioRxiv. doi :

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 Gomez Castro F*, Zappettini S*, Pressey J*, Silva CG, Russeau M, Gervasi N, Figueiredo M, Montmasson C, Renner M, Canas PM, Gonçalves FQ, Alçada-Morais S, Szabó E, Rodrigues RJ, Agostinho P, Tomé AR, Caillol G, Thoumine O, Nicol X, Letterrier C, Lujan R, Tyagarajan S, Cunha RA, Esclapez M, Bernard C†, Levi S†. (2021) Convergence of adenosine and GABA signaling for synapse stabilization during development. Science 374, eabk2055 PMID : 34735259 DOI : 10.1126/science.abk2055

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 Ben Soussia I*, Mouridi El S*, Kang D, Leclercq-Blondel A, Khoubza L, Tardy P, Zariohi N, Gendrel M, Lesage F, Kim EJ, Bichet D, Andrini O†, Boulin T†. (2019) Mutation of a Single Residue Promotes Gating of Vertebrate and Invertebrate Two-Pore Domain Potassium Channels. Nature Communications. Feb ;

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 Kepa A, Martinez Medina L, Erk S, Srivastava DP, Fernandes A, Toro R, Lévi S, Ruggeri B, Fernandes C, Degenhardt F, Witt SH, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Poncer JC, Martinot JL, Paillère Martinot ML, Müller CP, Heinz A, Walter H, Schumann G, Desrivières S. (2017) Associations of the Intellectual Disability Gene MYT1L with Helix-Loop-Helix Gene Expression, Hippocampus Volume and Hippocampus Activation During Memory Retrieval. Neuropsychopharmacology 42, 2516-2526. Epub 2017 May 4. DOI : 10.1038/npp.2017.91

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*, equal contribution ; †, corresponding author

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