Threat-dependent scaling of prelimbic dynamics to enhance fear representation

Neuron 2024
Casanova J.P., Pouget C., Treiber N., Agarwal I., Brimble M.A., Vetere G.


Promptly identifying threatening stimuli is crucial for survival. Freezing is a natural behavior displayed by rodents toward potential or actual threats. Although it is known that the prelimbic cortex (PL) is involved in both risk evaluation and in fear and anxiety-like behavior expression, here we explored whether PL neuronal activity can dynamically represent different internal states of the same behavioral output (i.e., freezing). We found that freezing can always be decoded from PL activity at a population level. However, the sudden presentation of a fearful stimulus quickly reshaped the PL to a new neuronal activity state, an effect not observed in other cortical or subcortical regions examined. This shift changed PL freezing representation and is necessary for fear memory expression. Our data reveal the unique role of the PL in detecting threats and internally adjusting to distinguish between different freezing-related states in both unconditioned and conditioned fear representations.

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