- Rabah Y, Berwick JP, Sagar N, Pasquer L, Plaçais PY & Preat T (2025) Astrocyte-to-neuron H2O2 signalling supports long-term memory formation in Drosophila and is impaired in an Alzheimer’s disease model. Nature Metabolism
- Francés, R., Rabah, Y., Preat, T.*, and Plaçais, P.-Y.* (2024). Diverting glial glycolytic flux towards neurons : a memory-relevant role of CRH stress hormone signalling Nat Commun 15(1):10467. doi : 10.1038/s41467-024-54778-x.
- Comyn, T., Preat T., Pavlowsky A.*, Plaçais P.-Y.* (2024). PKCδ is an activator of mitochondrial metabolism that mediates the spacing effect on memory consolidation eLife 13. doi : 10.7554/eLife.92085.
- Pavlowsky A., Comyn T., Minatchy J., Geny D., Bun P., Danglot L., Preat T.*, Plaçais P.-Y.* (2024). Spaced training activates Miro/Milton-dependent mitochondrial dynamics in neuronal axons to sustain long-term memory Curr Biol 34:1904-1917.e6. doi : 10.1016/j.cub.2024.03.050
- Rabah Y, Francés R, Minatchy J, Guédon L, Desnous C, Plaçais PY*, Preat T* (2023) Glycolysis-derived alanine from glia fuels neuronal mitochondria for memory in Drosophila. Nature Metabolism 5 : 2002–2019 (2023). * :co-senior authors
- Silva B, Mantha OL, Schor J,Pascual A, Plaçais PY, Pavlowsky A* , Preat T* (2022) Glia fuel neurons with locally synthesized ketone bodies to sustain memory under starvation. Nature Metabolism 4(2):213–224 . * :co-senior authors
- de Tredern E§, Rabah Y§, Pasquer L, Minatchy J, Plaçais PY*, Preat T.* (2021) Glial glucose fuels the neuronal pentose phosphate pathway for long-term memory. Cell Rep. 24 ;36(8):109620. * :co-senior authors
- Dolan M.J., Belliart-Guérin G., Bates A.S., Frechter S., Lampin-Saint-Amaux A., Aso Y., Roberts R.J.V., Schlegel P., Wong A., Hammad A., Bock D., Rubin G.M., Preat T., Plaçais P.Y.*, Jefferis G.S.X.E.* (2018). Communication from Learned to Innate Olfactory Processing Centers Is Required for Memory Retrieval in Drosophila. Neuron. 100 : 651-668. * : co-senior authors.
- Turrel O., Goguel V.* and Preat T.* (2018). Amnesiac is required in the adult mushroom body for memory formation. J. Neurosci. 38 : 9202-9214. * : co-senior authors.
- Pavlowsky, A., Schor, J., Plaçais, P.-Y., and Preat, T. (2018). A GABAergic Feedback Shapes Dopaminergic Input on the Drosophila Mushroom Body to Promote Appetitive Long-Term Memory. Curr Biol. 28 : 1-16.
- Scheunemann, L., Plaçais, P.-Y., Dromard, Y., Schwärzel, M. and Preat, T. (2018). Dunce phosphodiesterase acts as a checkpoint for drosophila long-term memory in a pair of serotonergic neurons. Neuron. 98 : 350-365.
- Plaçais, P.-Y.*, de Tredern, E., Scheunemann, L., Trannoy, S., Goguel, V., Han, K.-A., Isabel, G., and Preat, T.* (2017). Upregulated energy metabolism in the Drosophila mushroom body is the trigger for long-term memory. Nat Commun, 8:15510. * : co-senior authors
- Bouzaiane, E., Trannoy, S., Scheunemann, L., Plaçais, P.-Y.* and Preat, T.* (2015). Two independent mushroom body output circuits retrieve the six discrete components of Drosophila aversive memory. Cell Rep 11 : 1-13. * : co-senior authors.
- Musso, P.-Y., Tchenio, P. and Preat, T. (2015). Delayed dopamine signaling of energy level builds appetitive long-term memory in Drosophila. Cell Rep 10 : 1-9.
- Plaçais, P.-Y., Trannoy, S., Friedrich, A. B., Tanimoto, H. and Preat, T. (2013). Two pairs of mushroom body efferent neurons are required for appetitive long-term memory retrieval in Drosophila. Cell Rep 5 : 769-780.
- Plaçais, P.-Y. and Preat, T. (2013). To favor survival under food shortage, the brain disables costly memory. Science 339(6118) : 440-442.
- Plaçais, P.-Y., Trannoy, S., Isabel, G., Aso, Y., Siwanowicz, I., Belliart-Guérin, G., Vernier, P., Birman, S., Tanimoto, H. and Preat, T. (2012). Slow oscillations in two pairs of dopaminergic neurons gate long-term memory formation in Drosophila. Nat Neurosci 15(4) : 592-599.
- Trannoy, S., Redt-Clouet, C., Dura, J.-M. and Preat, T. (2011). Parallel processing of appetitive short- and long-term memories in Drosophila. Curr Biol 21(19) : 1647-1653.
- Goguel, V., Belair, A.-L., Ayaz, D., Lampin-Saint-Amaux, A., Scaplehorn, N., Hassan, B.A. and Preat, T. (2011). Drosophila Amyloid Precursor Protein-Like is required for long-term memory. J Neurosci 31(3) : 1032-1037.
- Séjourné, J., Plaçais, P.-Y., Aso, Y., Siwanowicz, I., Trannoy, S., Vladimiros, T., Tedjakumala, S.R., Rubin, G.M., Tchénio, P., Ito, K., Isabel, G., Tanimoto, H. and Preat, T. (2011). Mushroom body efferent neurons responsible for aversive olfactory memory retrieval in Drosophila. Nat Neurosci 14(7) : 903-910.
- Gervasi, N., Tchénio, P. and Preat, T. (2010). PKA dynamics in a Drosophila learning center : coincidence detection by Rutabaga adenylyl cyclase and spatial regulation by Dunce phosphodiesterase. Neuron 65(4) : 516-529.
- Chabaud, M.-A., Isabel, G., Kaiser, L. and Preat, T. (2009). Social facilitation of long-lasting memory retrieval in Drosophila. Curr Biol 19(19) : 1654-1659.
- Comas, C., Petit, F. and Preat, T. (2004). Regulation of cathepsin activity is involved in Drosophila long-term memory formation. Nature 430 : 460-3.
- Isabel, G. Pascual, A. and Preat, T. (2004). Exclusive consolidated memory phases in Drosophila. Science 304 : 1024-1027.
- Pascual A., Huang K., Neveu, J. and Preat T. (2004). Brain asymmetry and long-term memory. Nature 247 : 605-606.
- Pascual A. and Preat T. (2001). Localization of long-term memory within the Drosophila mushroom body. Science 294 : 1115-1117.